Vortragsreihe Streetscape LX der BOKU, Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur
In diesem Jahr geht Landschaftsarchitektur auf die Straße!
Im neunten Jahr ihres Bestehens widmet sich LX im Zumtobel Lichtforum den öffentlichen Freiräumen der Stadt.
Karl Otto Ellefsen (born 1948) ist Professor of urbanism at the Institute of Urbanism and Landscape at The Oslo School of Architecture & Design (AHO).
He was rector of AHO from 2002 to 2014, and is currently President of the European Association of Architectural Education. He has broad experience from tuition and Research, and has been published widely within the fields of urbanism, architectural critique, urban history and urban planning.
Ellefsen hat different constituting roles in the development of National Tourist Routes Project in Norway.
(lecture in english)
17.11.2016 / 19 Uhr
Zumtobel Lichtforum Wien
Wagramerstraße 19 (im IZD-Tower), 1220 Wien